Cruising yachting season opened in Sevastopol, the regatta "Friendship 2018" - outcomes and results
During the may holidays from April 29 to may 5 in the city-hero of Sevastopol was held the traditional sailing regatta "Friendship", which gave start to the season for cruising yachts Russia.
The regatta opened with short races in the waters of the Sevastopol Bay. In the first day of racing, April 29, was held for 3 races in each category: SB20, Chetvertichnykh, ORC and Open800. The wind was not strong, but stable enough and race day was fairly active and transient. In the evening in a friendly company of all participants of the regatta, the sounds of a saxophone was summed up and exchange first impressions.
The second day of the regatta continued with one Shuttle race in the outer Harbor. Due to weak wind the referees decided to shorten the race on one of the signs in the Bay area Cossack. In this calm stretch has seriously affected the final results in separate groups. After two days in the class Open 800 was summed up in a business competition, which involved sponsors and partners - leading Russian companies in the sphere of architectural and building glass:
On 1 may, the fleet started the race in the route to Balaklava. The wind first gave consistently 6-8 knots, but closer to the Cape Fiolent weakened. In the class Open 800 during the race, three times changed the leaders, Omega Dmitry Zhayvoronk, to the "Globe" Andrey nikandrova, in the end it Andrew was a better finish and Globus won the race, Omega second, "azimuth" Mikhail Tikhonov third.
In the group of ORC, in fact the entire race, the leaders were "Symphony" of Anton Timakova, second, licking each toe, there was a yacht "Aya" from Sevastopol captain Valery Zubkov, third Saratov "Amiga" Oleg Tikhonov, but the recalculation has adjusted the results accordingly, "Aya", "Symphony", "Amigo". In class Chetvertichnykh had to cut the race on the Cape Fiolent with the following results "Neptune", "Mars", "ol", first, second and third place respectively.
The morning of may 2, everyone could visit the unique underground Balaklava Museum complex on repair of submarines. While the bulk of participants were on tour in Balaclava, the entire area from m to m. Ayia Fiolent was shrouded in a thick fog, so the race was postponed. After the visibility has improved and established stable in the wind, was the start of one of the most scenic races to the Bay of Balaclava with by Cape Aiya and back to Balaklava. The start was given cruising (under spinnakers/gingerale) and several boats at the box office took off to a false start. Leadership in the class Open 800 immediately took Omega and for most of the race held under the control of main rival – the yacht "the globe", but in the last section, after diffraction by M. Aya the wind "sour" and everything changed, all the rivals have caught up and the race is almost over. As a result, the class Open800 first came the yacht "globe", then "Alaska" Ivan Tokarev, closes the top three on this day the "azimuth". In the group of ORC handicap won "Symphony", the second "Amigo", third - "Aya". In Chetvertichnykh the first "Neptune", second green, third place in "Mars".
Next race is from Balaklava to b. Cossack added to the intrigue in struggle for prize-winning places. In the class Open800 to the finish line by a large margin to come in Omega, the second "globe", the third "standard" Boris Omelnitskogo. And in group a ORC and in fact, and by conversion first to the finish came, "Amiga", "Aya" in the second place, the third yacht "Alexander" captain Inga Malysheva, a "Symphony" fell to fourth place. In class Chetvertichnykh "of Neputns" won again, "Olga" in second place Mars in the third. Yacht club "Cossack Bay" traditionally met all boaters pilaf, after which everyone went on a tour to the memorial of the 35th coastal battery.
May 4 at the exit of the Bay Cossack held short race in a loop. After which was the start of a route race in 20 nautical miles, with the finish in the area of Streletskaya Bay and Parking at the friendly yacht club "Admiral". The first short race was remembered that the yacht Omega, which came first, the Board circled one of the marks of the race and was disqualified on a protest from the race Committee. As a result, both short races in the class Open 800 won Andrey Nikandrov on the Globe. In ORC and Chetvertichnykh also winning doubles were noted Sevastopol "Aya" and "Neptune", respectively. In race also was not equal to the "Globe" in the Open 800 and "Symphony" in the ORC, who won with a clear advantage.
5 may had to pass the final race and finish in the Sevastopol Bay. But the wind, or rather the lack of it, made it possible to finish only boat class Open800, in other groups the race was cancelled.
According to the results of the regatta "Friendship 2018" winners in the group Open 800 was a yacht Globus (Andrey Nikandrov, St. Petersburg), the group ORC yacht "Aya" (captain Valery Zubkov Sevastopol), in-class Chetvertichnykh yacht "Neptune" steering Taras Hoop Kerch.
After the end of the race, may 5, at the Sports centre (sea and physical preparation of Sevastopol) V MO RF CSKA Moscow, a solemn awarding of winners of the regatta "Friendship 2018".
The event is organized by the sailing Federation of Sevastopol, the sailing Federation of the Crimea, the Association of the fleet "Chetvertichnogo", the Association of the class Open 800, OOO "Sport fleet" with the support of the Sports centre (sea and physical preparation of Sevastopol) V MO RF CSKA.