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Yachting in Russia is gaining momentum

Yachting in Russia is gaining momentum

The third Moscow yacht festival (21-24 June 2007). promised 2 times to exceed the previous number of participants: organizers say about traffic jams on the Moscow river. But also more and more yachts appear on the Ob reservoir Park yacht Novosibirsk for the opening of the 2007 season. has doubled since the beginning of navigation in 2006. Also increased the Park of Krasnoyarsk by 30%, and the same trend is observed in the far East.

"A number of our clients exchanged for the second five yachts", – said the TV channel RBC in the program "Sphere of interests" the Manager of GC "Premium Yachting" Alex Gorsky. That is, the yacht market in Russia is sufficiently developed, and it exists among other segments, even "second hand". You can talk about the appearance of the whole infrastructure of yachting: the marinas (with docks, boathouses), and cottages, and restaurant near rivers and reservoirs, etc.

Note the lower threshold value of the ship (10 meters long) – $ 250 thousand. The cost of Parking depending on the club and the size of the boat - 500-1000 dollars per month, 500 km of road will require about 2 tons of gasoline (another 1.5-2 thousand dollars). The maintenance will cost 1.3 thousand dollars a year. We will add that learning to sail is no more difficult than a car, it is only necessary to pass the law in the state inspection on small size vessels and, of course, to register, getting a license plate, and finally don't forget to pass inspection.

It is easy to guess that in Russia the production of yachts is not developed (it is not a particularly paid attention to the leaders of the USSR). However, there are two shipyards, which begin to produce yachts of large size, but the size of the elite boats from 10 to 25 meters, Russian producers have no suggestions. However, according to experts, the best yachts do in Italy, and the orientation of customers on the Italian shipbuilders, in fact, a global trend: the Italians play the first role in the US and the EU markets and Russia.

"The cost of the boat is checked against the directory, so customs always know the real price of imported yachts, – said the Director of sales at Premium Boats Service Nikolay Astashkin. – At this rate clearance great: for individuals – 31%, for legal - 41,6 (whether new boat or used)".

"The owners of large yachts – people are not only wealthy but also successful, – says about his clientele: A. Gorsky. – For most of them the motive to "show off" has long been exhausted. So basically the boat of large size used as a second home on the water." In this way, customers yachting companies in the last 2-3 years is not opposed to "first house" also located closer to the elements. From this point of view for citizens of the Russian Federation with the Moscow registration areas of the Klyazma and Pirogov reservoirs, some areas of Tver region, etc.

Today in Russia, the lack of Parking places (on the French Riviera the deficit), but some companies already offer their clients to use a portable Parking device for loading yachts on water and also store them "in high" (over water) state. The risks of fouling of the bottom, scratches, etc. decline: insurers using such dry docks offer discounts of 15% for insurance. By the way, today the annual insurance premium is estimated at 1% of the value of the yacht.

It remains to add that yachts with Moscow numbers come out far enough from the waters of Moscow, for example, in Saint Petersburg and even in the White sea. Usually in such cases, the boat is transported over the gateways with the captain while the owner returned on his private jet or car home.

Obviously, the doubling of the yacht market in Russia has a positive correlation with the increase in the number of more than wealthy citizens: today, according to official figures, the country was 88 thousand dollar millionaires and 35 billionaires. The difference in income between rich and poor continued to increase during 2006. - from 14.9 to 15.3 times, according to the Ministry. Moreover, according to the Scientific center of children health of RAMS, in the last 10 years, the recorded processes are preserved the development of Russian children, primarily from malnutrition and poor nutrition.

Source: RosBusinessConsulting